Autistic Boy aged 10-13 years

My autistic son started sessions with Julie in year 5 and has accessed therapy with her on and off for the last 3 years. He was well supported in primary school and staff had tried several different social interventions with him, but none were particularly successful, and he was struggling with some aspects of school life, such as engaging socially with peers, building trust with adults to ask for help and to expressing his feelings. So, we sought another option to try and support our son and came across the idea of play therapy and luckily found Julie nearby.
Julie worked with my son in the 1-1 therapy sessions but also worked closely with school giving them suggestions and support to scaffold him and the difference became evident. The SENDCo at school was already noticing a massive difference in him at lunch and break times, and after a few months, he was even leading play with younger children. He was able to better articulate what he was feeling and explain his emotions in a clearer way
The sessions allowed our son to a safe controlled space to process his thoughts and feelings. The sessions were led by my son allowing him to process what was on his mind at the time, and the relationship of trust and openness that he built with Julie only enhanced the benefit he received from the sessions. I believe that the therapy has given him social skills and confidence in his emotions, that have allowed him to access much more from school than he otherwise would have managed. I would not hesitate to recommend Julie to help support a child struggling with social or emotional difficulties. I feel very lucky that we found Julie when we did.