The benefits of Play Therapy are:
These benefits eventually will be filtered into the child’s everyday life, once they have rehearsed and repeated certain play, rewiring their brain to think differently.
- Play Therapy helps children to communicate experiences that they may have had that they are unable to vocalise, which is the power of play
- Play Therapy encourages imagination and creativity.
- Play Therapy increases confidence and concentration abilities.
- Play Therapy helps children’s communication skills, allowing them to make friends easier.
- Play Therapy helps children to learn about their environment.
- Play Therapy allows children to learn from their mistakes in a safe and controlled environment.
- Play can be used to establish and build relationships
- Play Therapy can be used when ‘talking therapy’ doesn’t work
- Play Therapy helps children to make the right choices
- Play Therapy helps to make the feelings more apparent to them and can be remuddled in the safety of the room.
- Play Therapy helps children to learn self-control.